Alissa Lomakin

Executive Vice President

Alissa Lomakin is the Executive Vice President and is one of the first team members that interact with clients. As the wife of a pilot, it’s easy to see why this business is just as much of a passion project as it is a profession.

Alissa has worked in the private aviation sector since 2010. With a background in marketing, she quickly fell in love with her work in private charter. At the same time, she met her husband Timothy Lomakin, currently the President of Foundation Aviation. Throughout their marriage and professional lives working side-by-side, she has developed a unique passion for this ever-changing industry that caters to people in such a personal way.

As the main point of contact, Alissa values connecting with clients and delivering a flawless experience. Seeing a trip through from start to finish—and going above and beyond to create an easy, convenient travel experience—is what fuels her every day.

While her title is Executive Vice President, Alissa also acts as owner support, charter manager, and human resources representative as the business continues to grow. She is dedicated to this evolving industry and takes pride in making memorable experiences for Foundation Aviation clients.

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